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Structural Forensic Services

Dynamic Analysis combines expertise and deep industry knowledge to ensure the structural integrity and optimal performance of buildings.

What are Forensic Design Services?

While forensic engineering evokes thoughts of every TV show from the mid-aughts, it encompasses a much broader scope of work than crime scene investigation. In our case, we refer to any analysis or assessment performed by an engineer to assess the condition of a structure or determine the cause of its failure. These can be performed for a variety of reasons, including:

  • To assess the structural health of a home or building for sale
  • To uncover factual evidence and provide opinions in legal disputes
  • To determine modes of failure and methods of rehabilitation in a decaying structure
  • To delineate damages caused by inclement weather, structure fire, vehicle collision, etc
  • To provide peace of mind to an owner regarding the structural integrity of their building

These structures can be as large as mixed-use, multi-family housing buildings or as small as backyard decks or landscaping retaining walls. We offer these services to clients of all types, such as large corporations, insurance companies, attorneys, homeowners, and home buyers, for structures of all industries, such as residential, commercial, industrial, and agricultural. We offer these services throughout the states of Montana and Wyoming.

Areas of Expertise in Forensic Design

Residential or Commercial Structural Condition Assessments     

To ensure your body is healthy, you get checked out by a general practitioner. It's a physical check to ensure everything works as it should.

The same can be said of a structure. A structural forensic engineer from Dynamic Analysis will come and look over the building of your choosing. In these analyses, we will check the "vitals" of the building: we determine the existing load paths within the building, establish the environmental loading the building is contending with, and measure the structure to establish differential behavior. From this information, we can formulate hypotheses regarding how we believe the structure should behave and check any inconsistencies more deeply. After this is complete, we can draw conclusions regarding the construction and condition of the structure and determine whether any rehabilitation is necessary.       

We can perform this as a simple verbal consultation or a full Condition Assessment Report, depending on the client's needs. In the case of residential structures, both options are performed for a flat fee to prevent an unexpectedly large bill. A verbal consultation includes an assessment and discussion; it does not include a report or any other documentation. A Condition Assessment Report includes the assessment and discussion, an in-depth report detailing our observations, assessments, and recommendations, and an easy-to-understand summary of findings. 

These inspections are much different than standard 'home inspections.' We do not check the systems within the home; we check the structural skeleton of the home. Issues within the structure can easily require repairs in hundreds of thousands of dollars; therefore, performing these evaluations is vital to making an informed decision whether or not to purchase a structure.

Expert Witness Testimony

Given our unique experience investigating many thousands of residential homes, our engineers have become acutely attuned to discerning factual evidence of correct or incorrect building practices, and they can effectively communicate these findings to a non-technical audience. We have experience providing testimony in a wide variety of cases within the residential and commercial construction industries.     

Insurance Claims Verification

We can delineate the insurable damage, whether a hailstone has hit your roof or a car has driven through your living room. Similar to our experience as expert witnesses, our engineers are adept at providing third-party, unbiased opinions regarding damage related to insurance claims.     

Dynamic Analysis Gives You Peace of Mind for Your Property

Structures are meant to provide reliable shelter when it matters most. If, for any reason, you feel your building could be questionable when a big storm hits, we can provide peace of mind through verification of adequate construction or an offering for a repair plan.     

Dynamic Analysis has inspected thousands of homes and other buildings around the state of Montana. We know what works and what doesn't. We know which parts are critical and which aren't. We understand what is worrisome and what is benign. Best of all, we know how to make things right.     

If you want peace of mind that your building is reliable, or need assurance that it can be repaired, call us.

Ensure Lasting Design with a Billings-Based Engineering Company

If you're getting ready to build, you want peace of mind that your building will be sound, last a long time, and be up to code.

That’s where Dynamic Analysis comes into play.

Dynamic Analysis combines expertise and deep industry knowledge to ensure the structural integrity and optimal performance of buildings.
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Dynamic Analysis combines expertise and deep industry knowledge to ensure the structural integrity and optimal performance of buildings.
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